
Some of our
featured services!


Forget about technical terms like Hosting, Domain, Migration, DNS, etc. We make it easy for you: we take care of the hosting, maintenance and support of your website.


Centralize, in a single platform that adapts to all devices, the functions you need to start, manage and grow your business through your own online store.


We optimize and digitize your workload through the installation and configuration of various simple and practical digital tools.


We create and implement strategies in social networks, the web and the main search engines to position your brand, product or service.


We create design pieces destined to build the graphic identity of your brand.


We create optimized texts to highlight and position your brand on the web and in social networks with a language according to the style of your brand.

Sail into the future!

Steer your business into the Digital Era

Development, design, content and marketing in one place.

Why choose us?
We make a difference.

We are young professionals: We know the latest in digital trends.
The success of your project is our commitment.

We are a company created by young people raised in the analog era and professionally trained in the digitization era. We have more than 12 years of experience accompanying companies in their transformation towards digital life, providing programming, design, content generation and marketing services.

We accompany our clients in the transition and put together customized 360 plans that cover all the necessary aspects to find their way in a sea of offers; We help them to stand out, to become the best option in the market.

For more than a decade, we have been adapting to all the languages that have emerged along the way. We evolve with the development of technology because we are convinced that staying current is the only way to provide our clients with practical and beneficial digital solutions for their projects.

We provide an exclusive channel of direct communication with our clients, throughout the year.


Contact us

We invite you to contact us through the following channels, we are waiting for you!

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    We are a company created by young people raised in the analog era and professionally trained in the digitization era.

    Copyright © BIMAI.ES


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